Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Karma Continues...

I am determined to start the New Year as the decent person I have been most of my life, save perhaps for some exceptions which came about during the course of this ending year. However, nothing says that I cannot allow myself one last strike, in the hope of clarity, before reverting to a more courteous being.

As expected, just in time for New Year’s, another close encounter of the third kind occurred, this time via e-mail. I guess it had occurred to him that I may have avoided his numerous phone calls deliberately. Obviously his primitive brain understood as much as to conclude that the telephone was not an effective manner to reach me, but not so much as to grasp that perhaps I had no desire to be reached at all.

Here is the verbatim content of his e-mail; the result of weeks of reflection no doubt:

“Hey, I tried calling a couple of times. I know you have caller ID so I guess you already know. I just wanted to thank you for the time we spent together and say that you made 2008 a special year for me. The Creme Brulle (I can't spell that) was spectacular that night. I will never forget. Have a good new year and if you feel like calling me go ahead.”

I simply could not resist the call of badness: “Let’s make 2009 truly special: vanish”.

How long before I hear from him again? All bets are on.