Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It Must Be Karma - 2

There was a time when it was generally understood that no actually meant no. It does not seem to be as clear nowadays or at least not to all. A while back, in a posting called - It must be karma - I talked about that guy who didn’t grasp such a concept too easily. I guess this is the sequel.

After ending this affair in the most obscure of circumstances, actually the beginning was pretty obscure too; I hoped I would never hear from him again. That was not to be. Last Thanksgiving, months after the fact, he sent me an e-mail suggesting that I call him if I wanted to go for a coffee. I thought my answer was clear and to the point. Apparently not. I guess I am the only one to blame for this lack of clarity.

Last Friday I had just arrived home from work when the phone started ringing. It’s not in my habits to race to answer the phone, I usually let it go into the voice mail and then check who called. I used to receive so many calls from telemarketers who don’t get the concept either that no means no. A quick look at my call display showed a number that was somewhat familiar but which I could not quite place. A quick check in my portable confirmed what I suspected. Him! Not only did his number appear on my display but next to it was – x17 -. The guy had called seventeen times in the previous two days. Woo. I was in for a long weekend of hide and seek. I managed to dodge the seven other calls he made to my home without ever leaving a message. I guess in the back of his mind, rejection is still a strong possibility.

Of course, he only calls when he has a perfectly good excuse to do so should I turn out to be completely unreceptive. How could you be so rude, after all, I was just calling to wish you Merry Christmas. Yeah right. Well, after Christmas, there is New Year, Valentine’s Day, Easter. Let see if there will be another sequel…